Volunteer with PHP
Without the dedication of amazing volunteers, PHP’s work would not be possible. Thank you for your commitment to People Helping People and the Pullman community!
Annually, 100+ volunteers contributed almost 12,000 hours to People Helping People’s youth program and 3,200 hours to the food pantry/ family resources, providing the equivalent service of over $200,000, or four and a half full-time employees!
Positions Available
While this list is not exhaustive, here are some of the main volunteer teams and roles at PHP.
Youth Team
As our largest program, youth volunteers play a vital role in providing transportation, supervision, food preparation and special events coordination. Some of these roles provide short-term opportunities, while others allow children to experience the value of consistency through regular volunteers’ presence during drop-in.
Pantry & Family Service Team
To keep our pantry running smoothly, these volunteers assist with guest intake, pick up food donations from community organizations, pack food, shop for food and coordinate our coat drive.
Volunteers on this team also provide appliance and furniture pick up and delivery.
Worship & Ministry Team
While some of our volunteers are responsible for setting up, greeting and caring for visual arts or tech needs during Sunday worship services, many more individuals directly serve the community through outreach events, physical needs coordination, or Bible study leadership.
Maintenance/Facilities Team
With three ministry buildings and two rental homes on 15 acres, there’s always work to be done for our maintenance and facilities volunteers! Whether it’s providing snow removal, lawn care, cleaning or other small maintenance tasks, these volunteers keep us going in every season.
Marketing & Fundraising Team
People Helping People runs two fundraising events each year that require a team of gifted volunteers to plan and successfully run. This team also serves through social media and annual fund development.
Questions? Contact Us!
We’re happy to chat about where your gifts might best serve the Pullman community. Reach out to Deanna Oonk at [email protected] or by phone, 269-236-2001, ext: 5